John Clune

John Clune

Position: Operations Lead, Business Development Lead, Contract Specialist

What is your favorite thing about working at Stratagem Solutions, Inc (SSI): I enjoy being able to have a hand in all aspects of the company. This allows me to better help any one in the company with any issues they may be having.

How has your career advance since you’ve been with SSI: In early 2018, I started at SSI in the Back Office doing what ever Jason and Lee needed assistance. After a short time, I began assuming more responsibilities. Now I am the Operations Lead, Business Development Lead, Contract Specialist, ITPSO, Property Manager, Quality Manager, IT Lead – along with a few others!

Where is your happy place in Huntsville, AL: My wife and I have been restoring an 1830s house here in Huntsville. Any free time we have, we love spending time there working on it and should be able to move in to it soon!

What are some of your hobbies: Home renovation, woodworking, vegetable gardening, hiking, cooking, and spending time with my wife and son.