Terrence "Lee" Reaviel, Jr.
President and Founder
Lee graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management in 1994 and proceeded to serve on Active Duty with the United States Army in the Quartermaster Corps. In 1997, Lee landed at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, to begin a career providing Acquisition Management support to a variety of Aviation and Missile Project and Product Offices with the AMCOM Deputy for Systems Acquisition. Lee separated from Active Duty, earned a Masters of Science Degree from the Florida Institute of Technology in Business Management with a concentration in Logistics Management, and proceeded to serve Aviation Systems Product Managers with Acquisition Analyst and Strategic Planning support to programs in all phases of the life cycle. With nearly twenty years of experience supporting Army Aviation Acquisition programs, Lee understands the cost, schedule, and performance challenges facing all Product and Project Management Offices and welcomes the opportunity to provide winning solutions to facilitate program achievements.

Jason M. Gullotta
Executive Vice President and Founder
Jason graduated from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems in 2003. In 2004, Jason began a career providing Program Analyst support to the Air Traffic Control, Product Management Office (PM ATC) within PEO Aviation. Jason provided Logistics Management support to the Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar Program Directorate (PM C-RAM) from 2006 through 2012. Jason deployed as a contractor in support of C-RAM to Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times. In 2012, Jason returned to Aviation Systems as the Program Integrator for the Tactical Airspace Integration System, Assistant Product Manager within PM ATC. In 2016, Jason transitioned to the Degraded Visual Environment Product Office (DVE PO) to provide Acquisition Analyst support. Jason understands the acquisition challenges today’s Army Program Offices must navigate to ensure mission success.