Katelyn Reed
Position: Operations Analyst
What is your favorite thing to do on your days off: I am all about my family. We eat (a lot) together, play basketball and laugh always. My niece, Winnie, is the light of my world, I love being an aunt. I also like taking my cat, Vina, for walks in my neighborhood to the tennis court.
What is your favorite part of your role at SSI: Being a part of a team of educated, motivated, driven people that truly dedicate themselves to the mission at hand. I am a Reserve Soldier, as well, and it is fulfilling to see people be so dedicated to the Warfighter.
What do you see as the next step in your career at Stratagem Solutions, Inc (SSI): I would like to further my position with the Business team, but also become more involved with internal SSI operations.
What is your favorite thing about working at Stratagem Solutions, Inc (SSI):I love, love being a part of SSI Shares. I believe in the program and appreciate leadership’s dedication to it. Also, the support from my present and former SSI team leads is awesome!
How has your career advanced since you’ve been with SSI: I have had several opportunities, government and SSI wise to develop, specifically in the Business unit within AGSE. It has been an honor. I feel completely supported by SSI and my customer.
Where is your happy place in Huntsville, AL:My mom’s kitchen. No question, no doubt.
What is your favorite quote:“The most important things in life cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery, ‘The Little Prince’
What is one thing you cannot do without: Jesus.